Sleep Potion

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...Dream Away...

A good night's sleep is the secret to a productive day.

"This is why our natural sleep potion is designed to assist in; making you fall asleep faster and keeping you asleep all night, meanwhile giving your body the relief it deserves.*

Our Sleep Potion is made by combining valerian root, chamomile, and melatonin with premium hemp-derived Full-Spectrum CBD.*
Say goodbye to long nights staring at the ceiling. 

No more interrupting your dreams... make them come true."*



  • Promotes relaxation*
  • Supports good digestive health*


  • Supports deep rest*
  • Promotes relaxation*
  • Stimulates sleepiness*

Full-Spectrum CBD

  • Supports healthy sleep patterns*
  • Optimal wellness support*
  • Targets occasional aches*


 You can; take it directly from the dropper to your mouth, add it to your favorite recipe, or simply add to warm water or milk of choice to make a tea.
For faster absorption place under the tongue for 30 seconds and then swallow.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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